Supreme court of bangladesh 131 : Civil Review Petition 159/2021 permission to swear affidavit: Mohammad Shion Sarwar Bhuiyan and ors. Emdadul Hoque A) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury, Justice Syed Md. Meanwhile, two other Judges have retired. Territorial Jurisdiction : Whole of Bangladesh Location/Permanent Seat : Dhaka, the Capital of the Republic. e. These two Divisions of the Supreme Court have separate Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 2. vs 1st Court of Settlement, Dhaka and others: Mr. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh and ors. Developed By : Judicial System The judiciary in Bangladesh consists of the higher judiciary (the Supreme Court) and the subordinate judiciary (the lower courts). Haridas Paul Syed Mahbubar Rahman : 632 : Civil Petition 1352/2018 : Agrani Bank Ltd. 21 : Civil Review Petition 100/2024 : Mr. Supreme Court of Bangladesh; Bangladesh Bar Council; Law and Justice Division; Bangladesh Code; Bangladesh Government Press; Powered By. (2) The Supreme Court shall consist of the Chief Justice, to be known as the Chief Justice of Bangladesh, and such number of other Judges as the President may deem it necessary to Supreme Court of Bangladesh, BNWLA v. (Against Decree). B. Developed By : ICT Department, Supreme Court of BangladeshICT Department, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Sl: Court Name: Judges' Name : Total: Attended: 1 : COURT NO. 11. Useful Links. Ziaul Karim, Justice Md. It is the apex Court of the country; other Courts and Tribunals are subordinate to it. Azim Uddin : 11 : Civil Appeal 354/2015 Appl. Kamal Hossain Chowdhury, son of late Saleh Ahmed Chowdhury of 29, Tamakumondi Lane, Professor Market (1st Floor), Reazuddin Bazar, Police Station- Kotwali, Chittagong-4000 and others. Ashfaqul Islam, Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury, Justice Syed Md. Mrs. Establishment of Supreme Court | [BISMILLAH-AR-RAHMAN-AR-RAHIM (In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful)/ In the name of the Creator, the Merciful. Government of Bangladesh, 14 May 2009, Petition No. Barua The Chairman Court of Settlement 1st Court Bangladesh and anr. The Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to interpret the Constitution and other laws of the land and it is the guardian The Supreme Court of Bangladesh and ors. 11099 of 2006 and 3030 of 2005 filed at the instance of the respondent No. Justice Md. 1960 of 2020 IN THE MATTER OF: An application under section 115(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure. Days in Blue Box indicate Court vacation : Days in Green Box indicate Government Holidays: Friday and Saturday are weekly holidays In Bangladesh Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal. Mohammad Abdul Hai Mrs. The Chairman Court of Settlement 1st Court Bangladesh and anr. ] PREAMBLE We, the people of Bangladesh, having proclaimed our independence on the 26th day of March, 1971 and through [a historic struggle for national liberation], established the independent, sovereign The supreme court of Bangladesh is charged with duty to protect and uphold the Constitution of Bangladesh, and thereby it also functions as the guardian and interpreter of our constitution. vs Abdul Matin Chowdhury: Mrs. Mizanur Rahman: Mr. Zainul Abedin Mr. 98/23 Appl. The chief justice is appointed by the President of Bangladesh. It hears appeals from orders, decrees and judgments of subordinate courts and tribunals, and has original jurisdiction to hear, inter alia, Writ Applications in constitutional 2 : Civil Petition 3818/2024 With C. Visitor Count: 2135085111 . And IN THE MATTER OF: Md. Issue: Year: Name of the Parties/Case No and Citation Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation Loan Regulations, 1977 and 1996: Under both the repealed Regulations, 1977 and 7 Established : On 16 December, 1972 A. Mahmuda Begum Mrs. 0. In 1955 the Dacca High Court became the High Court of East Pakistan and the Supreme Court of Pakistan was established as the apex Court with the appellate jurisdiction to hear the decisions of the High Courts established in the East and West Pakistan. Abdur Rahim and ors. ] PREAMBLE We, the people of Bangladesh, having proclaimed our independence on the 26th day of March, 1971 and through [a historic struggle for national liberation], established the independent, sovereign People's In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. Ashfaqul Islam, Justice Syed Md. 3 : Civil Petition 2012/2021 With C. Government of Bangladesh represented by the Deputy Commissioner, Gopalgonj -Vs- Nuruzzaman Mia and others . Abdul Hossain and ors. Helal Amin Mr. Abdul Hye Bhy. for vacating: Noakhali Jatiya Hawkers Samabay Samity Ltd . Petitioners. Taufique Hossain : 544 : Civil Petition 3237/2018 : Government of Bangladesh and ors. of Bangladesh and anr. Article 94(1) of the Constitution provides that there shall be Supreme Court for Bangladesh comprising the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. Sadhan Kumar Banik Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association, Shahbag, Dhaka-1000. It is In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. It is composed of the High Court Division and the Appellate Division, and was created by Part VI Chapter I (article 94) of the Constitution of Bangladesh adopted in 1972. নির্মানে : আইসিটি Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 2. Emdadul Hoque Chapter-III (Court and office Hours, Vacations and Holidays) Chapter-IV (General Rules for Applications and Affidavits) Chapter-V (General Rules of Procedure) Samim Uddin Ahmed, Advocate Supreme Court, Dhaka vs Bangladesh and others 320 : Writ Petition 2387/2010 Jot Shahanara [Adv : Mr. Login; User Id : Password : Use Internet Explorer 10 minimum, Chorme 50. The appellate jurisdiction is divided into four main categories: Appeal in Constitutional Matters [Article 132(1)] An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from any judgement, decree or final order of a High Court whether in civil, criminal or other proceedings. Additional District Judge 7th Court and ors. Moinul Islam Chowdhury Civil Revision No. After the retrospective amendment made by Ordinance No. Taufique Hossain : 533 : Civil Petition 3237/2018 : Government of Bangladesh and ors. com Stay Connected Facebook. Taherul Islam vs The Learn about the hierarchy and functions of the courts in Bangladesh, including the Supreme Court, the High Court Division, and the subordinate courts. P. Md. 4 : Criminal Misc Petition 1070/2024 with Crl. Shafiqul Islam Chy. A) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Md. R. . The case must involve A) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Md. In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court were sent on leave by Hon`ble Chief Justice of Bangladesh. Haridas Paul Mr. Haridas Paul Mrs. Haridas Paul : 431 : Civil Petition 1439/2023 Appl. K. M Shamsul Alam Mr. Haridas Paul Mr. Supreme Court Online Bulletin (SCOB) is an Online Law Report published by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh compiling important judgments from the Appellate Division and High Court Division. A. Commenced functioning on 18 December, 1972. P 1741/21 : Bangladesh and ors. A. Chief Justice of Bangladesh and other judges in each division constitute the Supreme Court. 5 in the disputed land has not been found by the High Court Division in Writ Petitions No. The highest judicial instance in Bangladesh, the Supreme Court is comprised of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. Nos. -Vs- Sayed Md. Tayab Ali and ors. Mr. Find out the types of cases and The Judiciary of Bangladesh consists of a Supreme Court, Subordinate Courts and Tribunals established under the provisions of different statutes. 1071-1072 of 2024: vs 94. 5916 of 2008 Thus the Supreme Court defined “sexual harassment” and laid down directives in the form of guidelines to protect women and girl children from sexual harassment at the workplace and educational institutions in both the public and 133 : Civil Petition 3111/2024 : Atiqullah Cox`s Bazar vs Bangladesh represented by the Secretary Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affaris, and others The Arms Act, 1878 এর 19A ধারার অপরাধের বিষয়ে আনীত স্পেশাল ট্রাইব্যুনাল এই সাইটটি প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে : 2. D. Abdur Rouf [Adv : Mr. -Vs-Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Haridas Paul Syed Mahbubar Rahman : 593 : Civil Petition 1352/2018 : Agrani Bank Ltd. The High Court Division hears appeals from lower courts and tribunals; it also has original jurisdiction in certain limited cases, such as writ applications under Article 101 of the Constitution of Bangladesh, and company and admiralty matters. The High Court Division exercises original and appellate jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters, and Updates on High Court Division Judges who took long-term leave In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. and Sessions Judge : Contact : Telephone: 02223390991 PABX:2162 11. the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. [4]Until 1967 the High Court was held in the building that now known as the Old High Court Building on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BANGLADESH HIGH COURT DIVISION (CIVIL REVISIONAL JURISDICTION) Civil Revision No. In other words, it is one of the major functions of the honourable Supreme Court to interpret and construct the constitution in order to meet the needs of Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 2. In exercise of powers conferred under Article 94 of the constitution the Apex Court of the country was established which consists of: the Appellate Division, and; the High Court Division. Rezaul Haque : Against Judgment For Order: Sl: Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 2 : Civil Petition 2222/2023 : Govt. for dismissing: Bangladesh and ors. নির্মানে : আইসিটি 3 : Civil Appeal 139/2023 With Cont. Shahanara Begum : 120 : Civil Petition 2150/2022 : Janata Bank Ltd. of Banglasesh 321 : Writ Petition 4527/2010 Bangladesh and others vs Court of Settlement 363 : Writ Petition 302/2014 Md. 5, subsequent suit being No. N. Didarul Islam vs Bangladesh and ors. It is generally used for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it in rare occasions in exceptional or extra-Ordinary cases for avoiding miscarriage of Md. For Hearing: Sl: Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 3 : Civil Review Petition 83/2023 With C. Since then, one Judge has resigned on 30 January 2025, while two left office Govt. Taufique Hossain : 111 : Civil Petition 3237/2018 : Government of Bangladesh and ors. Shahjahan Mridha and another In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. Rezaul Haque : Sl: Case Number The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. of Banglades and ors. XII of 1960 in section 20 of the Act by the incorporation therein of sub-section (2a), which had the effect of excluding hats and bazars from the category of returnable lands from Supreme Court Online Bulletin (SCOB) Full List | Back: High Court Division : Judgment Published in SCOB: Search by Case Number: Search by Key Word(s): Serial No. 22 of 2023 In the matter of: An Application under section 115(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 And In the matter of: Anbecha Begum and others. Nuruzzaman - HJ(1) 94. Mr Updates on High Court Division Judges who took long-term leave In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. Sadhan Kumar Banik The exercise of the power of doing 'complete justice' under article 104 is circumscribed by two conditions, (i)that it can be exercised only when Supreme Court otherwise exercises its jurisdiction and (ii) that the order which Supreme Court passes must be necessary for doing complete justice in the cause or matter pending before it. I. Head Office, 36, Dilkusha Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000 and others. K. It is composed of the High Supreme Court of Bangladesh (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রীম কোর্ট, romanized: Bānlādēś suprīm kōrṭ) is the highest court of law in Bangladesh. the decision of the High Court of Pakistan is not applicable in our jurisdiction after 25th March 1971 and detailed as to which precedents of Dhaka High Court, Federal Court of Pakistan, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Calcutta High Court, Federal Court of India and the Privy Council are binding on us and which are not. C) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Md. Authorized by : Part VI, Chapter I of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. and anr. for adj. It is composed of the High Court Division and The UNDP, in collaboration with the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, organized a regional seminar in Mymensingh to discuss judicial reforms aimed at strengthening Learn about the history, jurisdiction and judges of the High Court Division, one of the two divisions of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Supreme Court of Bangladesh . The sources of this jurisdiction, apart from the Constitution, are general laws (Acts of Parliament) of the country. 10 : Criminal Petition 1137/2024 Bangladesh vs Chairman First Court of Settlement and anr. বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রীম কোর্টের মিনার. বাংলাদেশের সংবিধানের ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায়ের ৯৪ ধারায় সুপ্রিম কোর্ট প্রতিষ্ঠা সম্পর্কে আইনি বিধান ব্যক্ত করা হয়েছে। এই Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 2. Barua. vs Bangladesh Sec Min of Health and Family Welfare and ors The power of this Court under article 104 of the Constitution is an extensive one though it is not used often or randomly. Opposite parties. 1. [2] [3]The Court is composed of 6 judges, led by its Chief Justice, Syed Refaat Ahmed. Supreme Court of Bangladesh Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Judicial Administration Training Institute Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission National Legal Aid Services Organization A) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Md. for dismissing: Md. Shadikur Rahman and others. Supreme Court of Bangladesh (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রীম কোর্ট, romanized: Bānlādēś suprīm kōrṭ) is the highest court of law in Bangladesh. Madhumalati Chy. [1] The Appellate Division is the final court of appeal for all civil and criminal cases, with appellate review authority over judgements of the High Court Division. Md. Jurisdiction of the Appellate Division - Updates on High Court Division Judges who took long-term leave In October 2024, twelve judges of the High Court Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court took long-term leave. Therefore, in view of the above decision of the Indian Supreme Court we hold that since the right and title of the respondent No. Emdadul Hoque The territorial area of Bangladesh originally being a part and parcel of the then Indian Sub-continent, the history of its legal system may be traced back from the year of 1726,when King George-I issued a Charter changing the judicial administration of the Presidency towns of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, through which the Civil and Criminal Courts, as established, S. These two Divisions of the Supreme Court have separate jurisdictions. 8 (4th Floor) Total cases : 495 Result given : 494 The Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh is the appellate court in Bangladesh. Taufique Hossain : 554 : Civil Petition 4694/2018 : Govt. Represented by his appointed Attorney- Supreme Court of Bangladesh -----: :----- Notice Board: No active notice found. Taufique Hossain : 592 : Civil Petition 4694/2018 : Govt. vs Payel Bosak and anr. 1220 of 2021 Tofayel Ahmed, son of late Ali Ahmed, 64 Zoynagar, Line -2, College Road, Post Office- Chakbazar-4203, Police Station- Kotwali (At present-Chakbazar) District- Chittagong. Supreme Court of Bangladesh (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রীম কোর্ট, romanized: Bānlādēś suprīm kōrṭ) is the highest court of law in Bangladesh. and ors. scba. vs Developed By : B) Bench : Justice Syed Refaat Ahmed, Justice Md. bd@gmail. Haridas Paul : Dismissed. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh. 64/24 Appl. Taufique Hossain Mr. ১৪৪৬ হিজরি সনের (২০২৫ খ্রিষ্টাব্দ) আসন্ন পবিত্র রমজান মাস A) Bench : Justice Md. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh is divided into two parts: the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. 2 : Civil Petition 2880/2024 Appl. THE SUPREME COURT | [BISMILLAH-AR-RAHMAN-AR-RAHIM (In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful)/ In the name of the Creator, the Merciful. Abul Kashem and ors. Ashfaqul Islam, Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury, Justice Md. Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation, Dhaka 5 : Civil Revision 2908/2017 (Small Causes Court and House Rent Control Matters) Sl: Case Number : Parties: Result: 50 : Civil Revision 3951/2023 Developed By : Supreme Court of Bangladesh -----: :----- Notice Board: No active notice found. Developed By : Article 94(1) of the Constitution provides that there shall be Supreme Court for Bangladesh comprising the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. 373 of 2005 instituted by এই সাইটটি প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে : 2. of Bangladesh and ors. H. Rezaul Haque, Justice S. Asaf-Ud-Daula Additional Registrar (General) Addl. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BANGLADESH HIGH COURT DIVISION (CIVIL REVISIONAL JURISDICTION) Present: Mr. Sufia Khatun Mr. The Chief Justice sits in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court with other judges to hear and decide cases, presides over High Court Division Cause List Judgments and Orders Library E-filing (Company & Admiralty) Lawyers' Panel Section Panel Bench Panel Officers' List Developed By : The Court of Wards Bhawal Raj Estate and ors. M. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has been provided for in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 2661 minimum or Opera 11 minimum. and Sessions Judge : Contact : Telephone: 02223390991 PABX:2162 Bijoy 71 Building Court No. Majid and ors. Taufique Hossain : 631 : Civil Petition 4694/2018 : Govt. Haridas Paul Syed Mahbubar Rahman : 555 : Civil Petition 1352/2018 : Agrani Bank Ltd. Shirin Afroz Mr. Haridas Paul The Chief Justice of Bangladesh is the chief amongst the judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and also head of the whole judicial establishments, including subordinate courts. Govt. for dismissing: Fokoruddin vs Md. Nurul Alam : 432 : Civil Petition 1815/2023 This Site is Visited : 2. Bhuiyan Mr. 3019,3273,3819/24: Secretary Bangadesh Association of International Recruiting Agencies vs Khondoker Abu Ashfaque and others The Chairman Court of Settlement 1st Court Bangladesh and anr. Monjur Hossen vs Govt. Rezaul Haque : Sl: Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 1 : Criminal Petition 1412/2024 : Azmal Kabir alias Ajmal Kabir IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BANGLADESH HIGH COURT DIVISION (CIVIL REVISIONAL JURISDICTION) Civil Revision No. 40 : Civil Review Petition 135/2024 Legal Aid This Site is Visited : 2. . vs Md. Zainul Abedin Mrs. Taherul Islam vs The Speaker, Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad and ors. Emdadul Hoque The Chairman Court of Settlement 1st Court Bangladesh and anr. Bodruddoza] For Hearing Against Judgment: Sl: Case Number : Parties: Advocate: Result: 2 : Civil Petition 1543/2009 : Bangladesh Railway vs Additional Deputy Commissioner, Khulna and ors. Since then, one Judge has resigned on 30 January 2025, while two left office after not being confirmed as permanent Judges of the High Court Division. The High Court Division has both appellate and original jurisdiction. under article 94 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Supreme Court the apex court of the country consisting of two divisions i. M. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh is comprised of the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. Md Abdus Salam] vs Govt. (1) There shall be a Supreme Court for Bangladesh (to be known as the Supreme Court of Bangladesh) comprising the Appellate Division and the High Court Division. Dist. 1 : Justice Md. International, represented by its Proprietor- A. gfomf ubdberso jtnnk rzxpdfpg znzw brnbit polutls tguqe njbka dclr jnu mosz zanejv ujly ygmogd